Rongo Whakapā - Sensory Kete

Sensory Kete for all ages help manage sensory overload. Use in-library or at home. Includes cross-sensory items and a mindfulness book.

On of our Sensory Kete with some of the objects from it.

How does the service work?

  • You can borrow a bag for three weeks and renew for another three weeks.
  • The borrower will be responsible for checking out and returning the entire kete, and is fully responsible for its return, as well as any replacement costs for damaged/lost items or a whole kete.

How much will it cost?

  • Sensory kete are free to borrow and free to reserve.
  • $170 charge for a complete lost kete (see terms and conditions below)

What does each kete contain?

  • 1x book: "Let it Flow: Healthy ways to release emotions" by Rebekah Lipp
  • 1x Wheat weight bag
  • 1x Kaleidoscope
  • 1x Glitter tube
  • 1x Popper ball
  • 1 set Gel-bead emotion friends (set of 4 in felt bag)
  • 1x Rainbow square sensory pad
  • 1x Puffer stress ball
  • 1x Shaker
  • 1x fidget spinner

Where can I find them?

You can also reserve to pick up at any branch location. Find them on our catalogue here:

Interested in making a sensory kete for yourself?