
Our children's magazine collection offers the perfect way for kids to explore their interests in a deep way, with new content every month.

The children's magazine collection is a small collection available at select branches. It covers a wide range of topics including entertainment, science, sport and art.

It is aimed at readers aged approximately 7-12 years of age.

Children's magazines are issued for 1 week and are free to borrow on a children's or young adult's library card.

Explore children's magazines on our catalogue.

Below is a list of the children's magazines we currently subscribe to. Let us know if you come across a magazine that's currently in publication that you would like us to consider for the collection.

Current Children's Magazines at Wellington City Libraries
Title Topic Location(s)

110% gaming


Johnsonville, Miramar

Anorak : the happy mag for kids

Creative activities and crafts

Johnsonville, Wadestown


LEGO® and modelmaking

Brooklyn, Cummings Park, Island Bay, Johnsonville, Karori, Khandallah, Kilbirnie, Miramar, Newtown, Tawa

How it works

Science and technology



Creative activities and crafts

Island Bay, Johnsonville, Karori, Kilbirnie


Sport (soccer)

Brooklyn, Cummings Park, Johnsonville, Karori, Miramar, Wadestown



Brooklyn, Cummings Park, Island Bay, Johnsonville, Karori, Khandallah, Kilbirnie, Miramar, Newtown, Tawa

K-zone : the magazine for kids


Brooklyn, Cummings Park, Island Bay, Johnsonville, Karori, Khandallah, Kilbirnie, Miramar, Newtown, Tawa

National Geographic kids


Cummings Park, Johnsonville, Karori, Miramar, Wadestown

NZ rugby world kids

Sport (rugby)

Brooklyn, Johnsonville

The official Jacqueline Wilson mag

Creative activities and crafts, books and reading



Arts and science


Toitoi : a journal for young writers and artists

Creative writing

Island Bay, Johnsonville, Karori

Wild things

Animals, wildlife and conservation

Cummings Park, Island Bay, Johnsonville, Karori, Kilbirnie