Libraries closed Mon 20 January

All our libraries will be closed on Monday 20 January for Wellington Anniversary Day. Our eLibrary resources, eg Libby, will continue to be available.

LinkedIn Learning outage

There is a NZ wide outage with access to LinkedIn Learning. We've reported the issue to our vendor and hope to have it resolved soon.

Ngā Momo Mematanga - Membership Types

Wondering if you can join the library? We have joining options available for all Greater Wellington residents — even if you don't live in the Wellington City ratepaying area.


You can get a free adult membership if you are:

  • Over 18 and living in Wellington, or
  • You pay rates on a property in Wellington

Joining is free, but borrowing charges apply for some items.

Books at Home borrowers

If you are physically unable to visit a library, you can still join and use our Books at Home delivery service. Our Housebound Team can visit and help you complete the joining process.

Audio Access Membership

We offer a range of talking books, CDs, and DVDs. If you have a disability which prevents you from using printed material (vision impairment, dyslexia), you can become a Audio Access borrower and use AV material for free (you need a membership card for Deaf Aotearoa, Blind Low Vision NZ or equivalent).

Kids and teens

Under 18? You can get a free membership if you are:

  • Living in Wellington
  • Attending school in Wellington (see Studying in Wellington below), or
  • Your parent or guardian pays rates on a property in Wellington

If you're under 18 years, then a parent or guardian will need to apply online for you. (If you are aged 14-17 years and living independently, please visit one of our libraries.)

A youth membership enables you to:

  • Place reserves on items free of charge — you can have up to 10 reserves on your card at one time
  • Borrow most items free of charge. Youth DVDs cost 80c to borrow, and borrowing charges for (charged) items from the adult collection still apply

If you work or study in Wellington

If you live out of town but work or study in Wellington city, you may still be able to join the library for free.

Studying in Wellington

You can join the library for free if you are enrolled with one of the following, based in Wellington City:

  • An early childhood centre
  • A primary or secondary school
  • A university or other NZQA approved tertiary institution

This membership gives you the same advantages as Wellington residents of the same age.

When you come to register, as well as valid ID and proof of address, please bring something in writing which shows you are a student of the institution you qualify under, e.g. letter, student ID card.

This is an annual membership but it can be easily renewed by an up-to-date proof of student membership by a NZQA approved organisation in Wellington City.

Working in Wellington

You can join the library for free if you work in Wellington:

  • This membership gives you the same advantages as an adult membership
  • When you come to register, as well as valid photo ID and proof of address, please bring something in writing which shows you are an employee of an organisation in Wellington City, e.g. letter, pay slip
  • This is an annual membership but it can be easily renewed by an up-to-date proof of employment by a Wellington organisation

If you have a child enrolled in a daycare facility in Wellington, they also qualify for free membership (see Studying in Wellington above).

Schools & Early Childhood Centres

Any school or early childhood centre located in Wellington city can apply for a school membership.

  • This is designed to suit the needs of schools and early childhood centres — it gives a range of benefits and terms and conditions that differ from a regular Adult or Wellington Organisation membership
  • This membership type can be used by teachers in conjunction with class visits to the library, or for borrowing resources from the library collection for use within the classroom

To apply for this membership, the school or centre will need to supply a letter along with the library application form.

Please visit the School Membership information page for further details.

Organisations (Agent card)

Wellington organisations can join as a corporate library members. Small businesses may choose to take up this option to enable staff to gain access to work-related books and magazines held by the library.

Email us at to learn more about joining up your organisation.

Key points:

If you live outside of Wellington

If you don't live, work or study in Wellington (see options above) you can still join our library, as long as you live in Greater Wellington or Wairarapa (view map).

There are two membership options — depending on usage levels.

Out of Towner

  • Free membership — no joining fee
  • A $2 per item charge (plus normal lending fees) on all physical items borrowed

Annual Subscription

  • A membership subscription of $100 per annum
  • No extra per item charge
  • Normal lending fees still apply, as they do for regular library members

This entitles you to the same access as above. As there are no additional lending fees, it may be cheaper if you wish to borrow frequently.