Nga Tupuna, Volume 3
Volume 3 (2005) provides a further 26 biographies and builds on our understanding of the Te Atiawa community at Port Nicholson in the 1830s, just before large numbers of settlers came.
Nga tupuna o Te Whanganui-a-Tara. Volume 3, written by Sandra Clarke, assisted by Lotofoa Fiu and Ann Reweti. (2005)
Note: This volume also adds a dimension by including references to some people who had major interests at Waikanae and Picton or at least in the upper part of the South Island — called Te Tauihu o te Waka.
- Acknowledgements
- Reihana te Kamo
- Wiremu Tamihana te Neke
- Parete Teira
- Kautawera
- Tini Waitapu
- Karena Te Whiwhia
- Hohepa Kopiri
- Enoka Hohepa Taitea
- Pane Waka
- Mahau Tomairangi
- Oriwia te Atiraukawa
- Matene Tauwhare
- Manihera te Toru
- Taare Waitara
- Paratene te Aoturoa
- Kauamo
- Ramari Ropiha
- Te Munu Te Ohiro
- Teretiu Paora
- Akanihi Himiona
- Ahipane Marangi
- Henare Pumipi te Whakainu
- Wakaiwa Lavinia Barrett
- Tuarau
- Heni Wairaweke
- Tautara
- Wi Kingi te Awhitu & whanau