Libraries closed Mon 20 January

All our libraries will be closed on Monday 20 January for Wellington Anniversary Day. Our eLibrary resources, eg Libby, will continue to be available.

LinkedIn Learning outage

There is a NZ wide outage with access to LinkedIn Learning. We've reported the issue to our vendor and hope to have it resolved soon.

Nga Tupuna o Te Whanganui-a-Tara - Acknowledgements for Volume 4

Below you will find the full acknowledgements for the fourth volume of Nga Tupuna o Te Whanganui-a-Tara, published in 2007.

Cover of Nga Tupuna o Te Whanganui-a-Tara, Volume 4

Published Text

"Acknowledgements". In Nga tupuna o Te Whanganui-a-Tara. Volume 4, by Sandra Clarke and Neville Gilmore. (2007)

There have been many who have helped us with the four volumes of Nga Tupuna o Te Whanganui-a-Tara.

On behalf of the Wellington Tenths Trust, Mark Te One, and June Jackson have once again painstakingly guided and edited the volume through its rapid journey. We would not have proceeded without their knowledge and help, or without the backing of the Wellington Tenths Trust.

With each volume, we have been supported by Teri Puketapu, whose knowledge of tupuna at Waiwhetu, and whose wider links to whanau on the western shores of Te Whanganui-a-Tara have been invaluable to the project. We treasure the portraits of tupuna made available for inclusion in this volume.

In our earlier volumes, Charlie Hohaia was very supportive as we cautiously approached the residents of Te Aro Pa. We have revisited the tangata of Te Aro, in this volume, and found that there are close links to the wider community of Te Whanganui-a-Tara which make for fascinating reading. Thanks again to Holden Hohaia, for his well-chosen words as mihi to this publication. Greetings to Turei Thompson, who responded to a cry for help. Mike Taylor from Picton Community Museum gave us valuable information on Te Manu Toheroa in our research of the life and links of Roera Apahuna.

The staff of Turnbull Library Pictures, including Marian Minson and Heather Mathie, as well as Dave Small of the Map Collection, have provided us with beautiful illustrations for the volume. Lucy Clark, of the Hocken Library, The Fletcher Trust of Auckland, and Geraldine Warren and Gordon Maitland of the Auckland Museum assisted us in the location and granting of permission to use paintings in our publication and, similarly, Hutt City Libraries for the map by L Hall. We have gained approval from the National Library of Australia to use illustrations from their Picture Australia database. Many thanks to Jeanie Hughes, Te One and Puketapu whanau for allowing us to reproduce their taonga — illustrations of tupuna — for this volume.

Because of the constraints of producing this volume within a 12 month timeframe, we regret that we have not always succeeded in taking our draft to every whanau member who would have provided us with invaluable information about the tangata included within the book. Our apologies if we have inadvertently made mistakes. We hope that you will contact us with corrections or any additional information.

The Wellington City Libraries would like to recognise three people who have remained with this project through all the challenges and exciting journeys which have led to the production of four volumes of Nga Tupuna o Te Whanganui-a-Tara, namely, Lotofoa Fiu, Sandra Clarke, and Neville Gilmore. He mihi nui ki a koutou mo o koutou mahi pai.