Ngā Rauemi ā-Iwi, ā-Hapū - Iwi and Hapu Resources

This features published resources for Te Whanganui-ā-Tara rohe.

Heritage library books on a library trolley



  • Simon, Morvin. Taku whare e ... : he mauri tu = my home my heart : the spirit dwells still. (1991)
    A brief anthology of Marae throughout the Wanganui and Rangitikei Districts, and those features that make them unique. Map on inside back cover.
  • Partington, W. H. T. Te Awa : Partington's photographs of Whanganui Māori. (2003)
    The reproduction of this collection of 19th century photographs of Maori by W.H.T. Partington is an important event, in both historical and photographic terms. Most of these photographs have never been exhibited before.
  • McEwen, J.M. Rangitane : a tribal history. (1986, 2002)
    This major work traces the history of the Rangitāne tribe, now based around the Manawatu but with genealogical and political links extending throughout central New Zealand.
  • Buick, T. Lindsay. Old Manawatu or the wild days of the West. Capper Press, 1975.To read, ask staff.
  • Downes, T.W. Old Whanganui. W.A. Parkinson, 1915.To read, ask staff.

Kapiti Coast - other resources

Wairarapa - other resources

  • Bagnall, A. G. Wairarapa : an historical excursion. Masterton : Hedley's Bookshop, 1976. To read, ask staff.
  • Carter, Mia. Early Palliser Bay. Featherston Publishing Committee, 1982. To read, ask staff.
  • Chrisp, Tipene, compiler. [1998] Te raparapatanga o oāku kamo. 7 v.
    Printout of a database of Wairarapa Māori history and sources. These items contain records relating to subjects from traditional whare wananga about the creation of the universe, the migration of the ancestors to New Zealand and the settlement of Wairarapa.
    Contents : 1. Te Matakitaki-ā-Kupe, whiti atu ki Wairarapa moana -- 2. Papawai me ōna karangatanga hapū --3. Ngai Tumapuhia-ā-Rangi me ōna karangatanga hapū --4. Te Hika o Papauma me ōna karangatanga hapō --5. Maungaraki, whiti atu ki Hurunuiorangi, ki whiti atu ki Te Whiti -- 6. Ngāti Hamua me ōna karangatanga hapū -- 7. Wairarapa whānui
  • Letters to the mountain : Māori letters to the editor, 19898-1905 = He reta ki te maunga. Reed Books, 2002.
  • Ngāti Hamua : environmental education sheets. Greater Wellington Regional Council, c2005.
  • Parsons, M.J. John and Te Aitu Jury : the Jurys of Wairarapa. M. Parsons, 1986. To read, ask staff.
  • Ross, Gail McDonald. Hinehauone Coralie Cameron printmaker. Steele Roberts Aotearoa, [2013].
  • Tuhirangi : Kohunui, Pirinoa, South Wairarapa. Kohunui Marae Trustees, 1992.
  • Wairarapa ki Tararua report. Legislation Direct, 2010

Hutt Valley

Porirua to Johnsonville

Wellington Harbour - other resources

Wellington South Coast


Te Tau Ihu o te Waka