Libraries closed Mon 20 January

All our libraries will be closed on Monday 20 January for Wellington Anniversary Day. Our eLibrary resources, eg Libby, will continue to be available.

LinkedIn Learning outage

There is a NZ wide outage with access to LinkedIn Learning. We've reported the issue to our vendor and hope to have it resolved soon.

Queer Fantasy NOT for Pride Month! Because everyday is LGBTQ+!

By J'Shuall of Jackanapery

Fantasy is the best genre. Obviously. You can do whatever you want in fantasy. Anything a “normal” book can do, fantasy can also do, AND have dragons. It’s also the perfect place for queer stories.

Book covers arranged in rainbow order on a black background

In fantasy, you can basically take or leave whatever exists in reality. You can take the good, like being queer, and take away the bad, like people objecting to said queerness. Fantasy is a blank slate that you can fill in with whatever you want, anything at all. This allows the author to paint delightful worlds filled with delightful stories of everything we could dream about.

Black silhouette of a dragon against a dark blue sky. Its mouth is open and a rainbow is coming out and disappears off into the sky.

It’s not Pride Month. Pride Month finished like five months ago. But you know what? That matters not, J’Shuall of Jackanapery shall give you some queer stuff irregardless. While obviously Pride is the best time of the year, and we in Wellington get two whole pride months, some people forget that the rest of the year is also pride, in a smaller way. They take down their rainbow flags and think “cool, we’re done with that for the year, back to our regular bland decor” or worse.

But I’m no fool, I’m not going to fall for it.

Is the fact I started drafting this list during pride and then got busy a factor?

Maybe, I’ll never tell.

But why not embrace the best queer genre there is. The genre of infinite possibilities and all the many shades of gay.
