Libraries closed Mon 20 January

All our libraries will be closed on Monday 20 January for Wellington Anniversary Day. Our eLibrary resources, eg Libby, will continue to be available.

LinkedIn Learning outage

There is a NZ wide outage with access to LinkedIn Learning. We've reported the issue to our vendor and hope to have it resolved soon.

The Summer Reading Adventure is Just Over the Horizon!

By Stephen

Our annual Summer Reading Adventure runs from 1 December 2024 - 31 January 2025, and with registrations opening soon, we thought we'd preview how you and your whānau can get involved!

The Summer Reading Adventure logo superimposed over an image of a various creatures on the sea floor

Who can join the Adventure?

This year, as in previous years, there are three versions of the Summer Reading Adventure for you to choose from:

  • Summer Reading for Kids (ages 5-13)
  • Summer Reading for Teens (ages 13-18)
  • Summer Reading for Adults (ages 16+)

While the specifics for each Adventure are different, the basics are the same. For all three age groups, you can read books; write, draw or film book reviews; and complete quests or activities to earn all kinds of awesome goodies – and you'll still be home in time for tea!

From the 25th of November 2024, you'll be able to pre-register and get ready to start your very own Summer Reading Adventure!

A reader is holding their book on top of Mount Kaukau, with the vista of Wellington Harbour laid out behind them.

A previous Adventurer takes on their local maunga through the power of reading!

How to play

Your first stop will be to pick up a copy of the Adventurer's Guide from your local library – this is a short intro to all things Summer Reading. You can also view and download it below:

Then, you'll head on over to our Summer Reading Adventure website to get started. If this is your first time taking part in Summer Reading, follow the instructions on that page to create your account and get started. If have taken part before, you can use your old account – just make sure you update your details!

You can take part in the Adventure in three different ways:

  1. Log your reading – tell us how many books you've read, or how long you've spent reading, and be in to win! If you need help finding books to read, here are some great Summer Reading booklists we've put together to help you get started.
  2. Write, draw or film book reviews – get creative and tell us what you thought about the books you've read! All reviews completed will go towards your Summer Reading record and improve your chances of winning one of our Grand Prizes.
  3. Complete challenges – choose your own adventure and complete themed activities or 'quests' depending on your interests. Some can be completed at home, while others will get you out exploring our parks and gardens or visiting our libraries.
A drawing of a large, multi-coloured octopus-like cryptid with large eyes and at least fifteen tentacles. It is labelled "The Wheketoncheires."

One of last year's quests for tamariki involved designing your own cryptid -- this creative piece is the "Wheketoncheires," designed by Madison from Motu-kairangi Miramar Library.

Prizes, you say?

Yes! For every milestone you reach in your Summer Reading Adventure, you will earn digital badges that display on your profile. Each badge comes with a number of 'tickets' that you can cash in for the chance to win one of our themed Grand Prize packs. The more tickets you earn, the more chances you get to win!

While all age groups are eligible for Grand Prizes, tamariki aged 5-13 can also earn small incentive rewards like pins, stationery, books, and Ben & Jerry's ice cream vouchers for completing certain activities. When you have completed an activity that earns you a reward, you will get a notification letting you know to pick it up from your local library.

And if that wasn't enough, we will also be keeping an eye on the most impressively written, creative, or unique book reviews and challenge entries from teens and adults for our weekly spot prize draw.

We are very grateful to our friends at Ākau Tangi Sports Centre, Ben & Jerry's Wellington, Children's Book Shop, Flamingo Scooters, Light House Cinema, Nairn Street Cottage, New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, Nōku te Ao Capital E, Orchestra Wellington, Orpheus Choir Wellington, Read NZ Te Pou Muramura, Space Place, Te Papa Press, Unity Books, Wellington Gardens, Wellington Phoenix, Wellington Zoo, Wētā Workshop, Wheako Pōneke Experience Wellington and Zealandia Te Māra a Tāne for their generous support of this programme.