Kawepūrongo - News
Our latest stories
City Voice: News you can use
One of Wellington’s most significant independent media outlets of the 1990s has been fully digitised and is now available to view on Wellington City Recollect. -
Remembering Moana Jackson
He Tangata, he tangata, he tangata: of the people, by the people, for the people. He hōnore, he korōria ki te Atua he maungārongo ki te whenua. He whakaaro pai ki ngā tāngata katoa. -
Her Excellency’s Knitting Book
“For the Empire and for Freedom we must all do our bit. The men go forth to Battle, the women wait – and knit.” -
Weird Art (and How to Make It)!
Whatever it is you want to say, and however it is you want to say it, get inspired by Weird Artists and books in our collection on Weird Art (and how to make it)! -
WCL Interview: Acclaimed Artist, Robèrt Franken
Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the Wai 262 Claim
Over 3000 claims have been made to the Waitangi Tribunal during its first 40 years of existence. -
Hairy Maclary from a Donaldson's Dairy
"Out of the gate and off for a walk went Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy..." Sound familiar? That's because Hairy Maclary is one of New Zealand's (and the world's) best-loved picture books. -
Wellington Beaches for Summer Swimming
Let's talk about one of the most Kiwi summer activities Wellington has to offer - going to the beach! -
Interview: Grammy-nominated & AMA-shortlisted Percussionist, Justin DeHart
We are totally thrilled to announce the release of our recent interview with Grammy-nominated and Aotearoa music awards shortlisted percussionist Justin DeHart. -
Bryan Walpert in conversation about his latest novel, Entanglement
Q&A with author T. J. Klune
She’s a Killer author Kirsten McDougall in conversation with Rajorshi Chakraborti
Interview with Professor Anne Noble, Arts Foundation Laureate
The Photography of Derek Smith
Wellington City Libraries is proud to host a remarkable collection of photographs on Recollect that capture the vibe of our city from three decades ago. -
"The most misunderstood of English villains": Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot
Prepare to blow up... your mind with a veritable treasure trove of information about a gunpowder plot gone wrong! -
Wellington writer Anne Harré in conversation with Dame Fiona Kidman
Books about books and books within books
When is a book not a book? When it's a fictional book! Yes, this statement is deliberately confusing, and may not be entirely accurate - read on to untangle fictional books from fiction books! -
Design and Living by E. A. Plischke
Now digitised on Wellington City Recollect, ‘Design and Living’ published in 1947 offers pertinent solutions to our current housing issues nearly 75 years later.