Kawepūrongo - News
Our latest stories
2ZB and the ‘Golden Age’ of Radio
This souvenir publication offers a nostalgic look at the ‘Golden Age’ of radio in Wellington. -
The Day the Empress Came to Town
The RMS Empress of Britain visited Wellington in 1938; one of the largest and most luxurious ocean liners of the period. -
How Crofton Downs Got its Name
Crofton Downs is known for its steep hills, but the origin of the suburb’s name can be found in neighbouring Ngaio. -
The Octavius Hadfield Collection
Correspondence from one of Aotearoa’s most significant missionaries and supporters of Māori rights, Octavius Hadfield. -
Interview: Award-Winning Author Lee Murray
Kōrero with Morrie Love of the Tenths Trust
In the early 1800s the stories behind the naming of the land in Te Whanganui-a-Tara were often sourced to Te Whatahoro Jury and three women - Ngarimu Mawene, Mere Ngamai and Rangiwahia Te Puni. -
Dr George S. Evans : a life
I recently enjoyed the refined atmosphere of the Wellington Club while admiring Helen Riddiford’s account of Dr. George Samuel Evans. -
Jock McEwen: He kōtuku rerenga tahi
We speak sometimes of special people amongst us who have travelled successfully in two worlds. Quite often there follows the story of one such. -
The ancient history of the Olympics
The modern Olympics Games take place every four years and are split into the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics, but what about the ancient Olympic Games? What are the origins of the Olympics? -
Johnny Cooper, 'The Māori Cowboy'
Johnny Cooper, hero of early New Zealand rock’n’roll, died earlier this month in Lower Hutt, aged 85. -
The Early Māori Newspapers
What do you get when you cross Gutenberg’s printing press with the communal, oral storytelling of Māori tradition? -
What's your name?
Tēnā koutou! Nau mai, welcome to the first Rauemi blog post. This blog series looks at different resources, highlighting new, useful or unusual sources of Māori information. -
Pixie Williams: The Voice of Blue Smoke
On Monday September 16 2014 at 10.30 am, Wellington Central Library will be opening a special display celebrating the life of Pixie Williams. -
An Interview with Toni Huata
Kia ora ano and welcome to our third and final feature in our New Zealand Music Month series of interviews with local Māori musicians. -
An Interview with Karl Teariki
Kia ora and welcome to the second interview in our series of interviews with local Māori musicians. -
An Interview with Matiu Te Huki
For NZ Music Month, local musician Matiu Te Huki very kindly answered some questions for us, and told us all about his music and his inspirations. Check it out! -
28th Māori Battalion Christmas 1943
In honour of the festive season, we thought we would share some images and clips of Māori Battalion Christmases past from the National Library & Māori Battalion websites. -
Jacqueline (Jacquie) Baxter (J.C. Sturm)