Kawepūrongo - News
Our latest stories
Guest Blog: Ensure your technology works for you as a leader.
“Who’s really running the show? Four ways to ensure your technology is working for you as a leader, and not vice-versa." -
Looking for work? Job seeking resources at WCL
If you're currently looking for work, Wellington City Libraries has many job-hunting resources that may help. -
Take a break: HBR special themed edition
Explore resources on stress and burnout in the workplace. -
Interview: Talking tech with Darshan Gor, Gadget Care
In the business blog this week we chat with Darshan Gor of the newly opened Gadget care in Island Bay. -
Coffee: A Guide for Teens
How old do you need to be before you drink coffee? It seems more like an adult drink, in the same way that things like blue cheese or ceviche are adult foods. -
Out on the Shelves: Rainbow Families
To continue our celebration of Out on the Shelves this month, we're highlighting some of the books in our Children's Picture Book Collection that feature rainbow families. -
The Wellington Comic Lover's Guide to... Teen Titans and Young Justice
Welcome to the Wellington Comic Lover’s Guide, where we take you through the Wellington City Libraries’ collection of a comic book character or series. -
New Zealand Book Awards for Children and Young Adults 2024: Children's Finalists!
It's been another wonderful year for children's books in Aotearoa New Zealand, so why not check out the cream of the crop and read through the children's finalists for the NZCYA book awards? -
New Zealand Book Awards for Children and Young Adults 2024: YA Finalists!
Books. We like 'em. And people keep writing them and being nominated for awards which we think is pretty exciting, particularly when they're NZ books! -
Talking about oceans and wellbeing: Natalie Jones, Seasick Sunscreen Co.
Our Business Specialist librarian interviews Wellington businesses. Today we are happy to have Seasick Sunscreen Co. -
The 👻haunting👻 tale of the Brooklyn Dodger
For this story, we will go back in time, long before you and I were born, to the 1960s. Back when there was no internet and a T.V. wasn't yet in every house. Back when a poltergeist roamed Brooklyn. -
Out on the Shelves 2024: What's on at your library
It's that time of year again! The annual Out On The Shelves campaign runs this year for the entire month of June. -
A Journey by Train from New Zealand to Spain: Our interview with travel writer Gregory Hill
Out on the Shelves 2024
It's that time of year again! The annual Out On The Shelves campaign runs this year for the entire month of June, and we're getting excited about it! -
From School to the Moon: New Kids Books in the Collection
What a fabulous selection of new books we have in the collection this month! There are so many that we can't share them all here, but you can get a glimpse of what's on offer from our selection below. -
Ain’t no power like the power of the people cause the power of the people don’t stop
Climate change! It's here, it's happening, it was predicted 112 years ago, and if you continue reading this post you'll receive some climate-change-related advice from an excellent New Zealand author. -
May’s new music for Te Awe
We cast an eye over the new material we have been buying for the music collection at our CBD Te Awe library. -
Sāmoa Language Week 2024
Tālofa Lava! Welcome to Vaiaso o le Gagana Sāmoa, Sāmoan Language Week 2024!